Meigar Larasati Dewi


You can call me Meigar. I'm an Indonesian Data Analyst, Data Researcher and Data Modeler. Making some cool things with coffee, code and complex thinking.

My Skills

Data Visualization

  • Design Thinking Framework
  • Analyze, model and interpret data
  • Best Practices and Tools for Data Visualization
  • Using Various Tools for Data Visualization to become a tool-agnostic data analyst


  • Tableau Mastery and Operations
  • Using Tableau to Visualize Data and Create Dashboards
  • Implementing data visualization to various business use cases


  • Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy
  • Hypothesis testing and A/B testing with Python
  • Create Python analytics solution
  • Knowledge of the different stages of exploratory data analysis and how to create interactive dashboards with Python


  • In-Depth Understanding of Databases, Relational Databases and Structures
  • Creating Tables and Ingesting Data with SQL
  • Preparing, exploring, and analyzing large dataset with SQL queries
  • Using SQL Syntax, Queries to Solve Business Cases in startups

Insight Communication

  • Generating insights from data and communicating insights
  • Creating Effective Data Presentation the Consulting Way
  • Pitching and Storytelling with Data
  • Writing narratives and end-to-end data project management

My Work

Trending Video Analysis Dashboard

See our in depth dashboard analysing Trending Videos by Country, Category, and Engagement Metrics.

SQL With Google BigQuery E-Commerce data evaluation

Breakdown of queries when studying common E-Commerce reporting

Investment startup marketing recommendations

Data preperation, cleansing, and Exploration to answer Business Questions.

See my other work

See what else I've been working on.